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Experts Panel
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Expert Sources

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z


Sam Arsenault Wilson, Chief Quality Officer & Co-Founder, Confidant Health

Expertise: addiction treatment system, medication treatment, insurance gaps, health care policy 

Robert Ashford, MSW, University of the Sciences, Recovery Researcher

Expertise: stigmatizing language, recovery dialects, recovery science, lived-experience of alcohol use disorder

B Names

Leo Beletsky, JD/MPH, Professor of Law and Health Science at Northeastern University, Faculty Director of The Action Lab
Expertise: drug policy, public health, law

Brandon Bergman, PhD, Associate Director & Research Scientist, Mass. General Hospital Recovery Research Institute (@RecoveryAnswers)

Expertise: substance use disorder, treatment, recovery research 

Michael Botticelli, Former Executive Director of the Grayken Center for Addiction Medicine, Former Director of White House Office of National Drug Control Policy
Expertise: in long-term recovery, addiction and recovery policy and treatment

Elizabeth Brico, MFA, 2019 Talk Poverty fellow, Reimagining Communities fellow with the National Council for Incarcerated and Formerly Incarcerated Women and Girls

Expertise: lived experience with heroin addiction, methadone/buprenorphine treatment, and child welfare involvement, trauma and addiction, parenting in recovery

Keith Brown, MPH, Interim Public Health Director of Schenectady County
Expertise: harm reduction, mental health/illness, substance use disorder, criminal injustice, media

Jag Davies, Communications Strategy

Expertise: harm reduction, drug policy, communications/PR


Brooke Feldman, MSW, Philadelphia Center Manager Clean Slate, person in recovery

Expertise: recovery, stigma, harm reduction, addiction treatment, policy


Rory Fleming, Founding Attorney, Fleming Law
Expertise: criminal justice, prosecutors, mass incarceration, communications, PR

Kassandra Frederique, MSW, Executive Director at Drug Policy Alliance

Expertise: racial bias, drug policy, cannabis, criminal justice reform 

Anne Fuqua, BSN, lived-experience with chronic pain, patient advocate Alliance for the Treatment of Intractable Pain

Expertise: chronic pain, opioid treatment, stigma, activism 

Anne Giles, MA/MS, LPC., President at Handshake Media, Incorporated, counselor, speaker, in remission from alcohol use disorder
Expertise: drug court, trauma, harm reduction, counseling, rural health care

Will Godfrey, Executive Director and Editor-In-Chief Filter Magazine  

Expertise: journalism, addiction, harm reduction, and criminal justice 

Abraham Gutman, MA, Health Reporter at The Philadelphia Inquirer
Expertise: overdose crisis, drug policy and law, empirical research, Philadelphia's efforts to open an overdose prevention site 


Tracie Gardner, New York State Opioid Settlement Fund Advisory Board Member
Expertise: person in recovery, addiction treatment, criminal justice reform

Kat Humphries Montoya, MPH, Senior Technical Advisor at Overdose Prevention Program
Expertise: Stimulant harm reduction, youth harm reduction, safe consumption space advocacy


Carol Katz-Beyer, National Director Community Outreach at Project Opioid
Expertise: parent of addicted loved ones, grief and loss, addiction treatment, harm reduction 

Stefan Kertesz, MD, Professor in Division of Preventive Medicine at University of Alabama-Birmingham 

Expertise: physician, researcher, addiction, opioid pain treatment, homelessness 

Matthew Lee, DrPH, MPH, Assistant Professor, Department for Population Health - Section for Health Equity at NYU Grossman School of Medicine

Expertise: health policy research, health equity, social justice


David Lucas, MSW, Senior Technical Advisor, Vital Strategies 

Expertise: drug courts, social worker, restorative justice, court supervised treatment 

M.L. Lanzillotta, author, artist, functional drug user

Expertise: addiction, stigma, harm reduction


National Pain Advocacy Center,

Advancing the health and human rights of people in pain.

N Names

Lisa Newman-Polk, Esq., LCSW, criminal Justice Reform Advocate

Expertise: criminalization of addiction, prisons, and drug courts

R Names

Kate Nicholson, JD, Executive Director of National Pain Advocacy Center, Civil Rights Attorney 
Expertise: chronic pain policy, civil rights/Americans with Disabilities Act, overdose crisis, opioids 

Khary Rigg, PhD, Associate Professor of Mental Health Law & Policy, Louis de la Parte Florida Mental Health Institute, University of South Florida

Expertise: addiction treatment and research, drug prevention, harm reduction, drug policy, opioids

S Names

Zachary Siegel, MA, Journalist, Reporting Fellow at The Action Lab at Northeastern University 

Expertise: media, addiction, criminal justice, overdose crisis, lived-experience with addiction 

Marion J. Riggs, PhD, Executive Director of the Loving Mind Institute, Research Fellow in Department of Neurology at Harvard Medical School & Mass. General Hospital. 

Expertise: lived-experience overcoming addiction, tough love treatment and stigmatizing practices, science & evidence-based recovery, neuroscience research, grassroots advocacy

Maia Szalavitz, Journalist, Author "Unbroken Brain: A Revolutionary New Way of Understanding Addiction" 

Expertise: science journalism, addiction treatment, drug policy, experience with addiction 

Kimberly Sue, MD/PhD, Assistant Professor at Yale University School of Medicine, Medical Anthropologist, Addiction Medicine Physician

Expertise: buprenorphine and other medical approaches to opioid use disorder, health concerns of people who use drugs, stigma and healthcare systems, incarceration and substance use disorders

T Names

Jess Tilley, Executive Director New England Users Union, Co-Founder Harm Reduction Hedgehogs 413 

Expertise: person who uses drugs, harm reduction activism, syringe-exchange, opioid overdose crisis, medication treatment 

Mishka Terplan, MD/MPH, Professor Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology
Division of General Obstetrics and Gynecology, Virginia Commonwealth University

Expertise: neonatal abstinence syndrome, addiction medicine, 

V Names
W Names

Sheila Vakharia, PhD, MSW,  Deputy Director of the Department of Research and Academic Engagement, Drug Policy Alliance

Expertise: analysis of science and policy, drug research, harm reduction, clinical social work

Sarah Wakeman, MD, Medical Director Mass General Hospital Substance Use Disorder Initiative, Assistant Professor of Medicine at Harvard Medical School

Expertise: addiction treatment, medication treatment, substance use disorder research and practice

Ingrid Walker, PhD, Emeritus Associate Professor of American Studies University of Washington

Expertise: media/popular culture, drug policy research, people who use drugs 

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